Hi there, my second week has been a little more exciting then the first one. I still haven't acquired access to the lab, but that still can't say that I can practice on a few techniques. I am helping another Dutch graduate student with her project. Her project is different from my project, because she is working with insect DNA. Even if the results weren’t to good that can't say that I didn’t learn something.
This week it is a kind of vacation week for the students of UCLAN called reading week so the university is kind of a dessert now. It can be compared to the “intersemestrieel verlof” in Belgium so everything shut be busy next week, that is when the societies start again. I haven’t seen much people at the university since I started, I sit in an office all day with PhD student who aren’t there some days. Sometimes it is just me and the Dutch undergraduate student that are just working there. So my plan is to go to a lot of activities and societies to meet some people.
For some of you are that wondering where I live. I live in a big student village called trinity student village that is just on a 5 min walk from the university, so I am pretty close to everything. I live with 4 other roommates, even that I only seen two of my roommates, while the rest is stuck in there room. The only down side here is my kitchen, oooooo boy it not so clean. That’s my biggest irritation here (nobody cleans and puts the trash away). If you are interested I have put some pictures to give you a perspective how my room looks like.

In the weekend I went to Manchester to visit some tourist places, so that was fun. The most fun thing to see is that Manchester is a city that is very alive with pub contests, musicians that play on the street (and sometimes homeless people that dance next to it) and there are also some hipster and local shops that aren't so commonly seen.
I am also planning to go to London, Liverpool, Blackpool and Edinburg so keep an eye out for that.
